Thursday, August 15, 2013

A Few Words To Get Started

Self reliance, and "prepping" are big trends right now. People take them very, very seriously. This is not a serious blog. My journey into simple living, and self reliance is a hobby I do for fun, not a necessity. It is a lifestyle, but not an obsession.  Iam not an expert at survival, and I cant teach you how to prepare for WTSHTF, or TEOTWAWKI, or any of the other goofy acronyms folks use for when society finally takes a dump on itself. The fact of the matter is that when the world goes up in smoke I'll probably be just as screwed as 90 percent of the population out there. I can, and will however show you the skills I cultivate, and the experiments I do in self reliance. Even though they are done for fun they are useful, and they are my version of "prepping". I hate the term "prepping". It always makes me think of those goofballs on cable T.V. with a garage full of rice, and ammo. The guys who run swat drills with their kids on the weekends in half million dollar houses on a cul-de-sac. My contention is the best thing you can do to prep for any situation is to have skills. Think about it. Skills require no storage, are easy to transport, and with regular practice never spoil. With the right skills you can make, or forage just about anything you need. All you require is raw materials, and face it when the government goes rogue, and starts carpet bombing your neighborhood there will probably be alot of raw materials laying around. When Mr. TV Prepper is busy trying to fight off an Abrams tank, and a horde of hungry neighbors who saw his stash on the tube from the bedroom window of his split level coffin I'm going to be beating hell for the nearest wild area full of resources, thats my prep.

This will not be a "how-to" blog either. Like I said Im not an expert, and the best I can do is show you what I do, and what works for me. Whether it is the right way, or not I'm sure will be an area of debate. Before you criticize my methods however, consider this: Self reliance is just that, self reliance. That means when you dont know how to do something you have to figure it out. It may not always be the proper, or accepted method, but getting the job done is what youre going for. Pretty, and proper can come second. Keep in mind also I do this for fun. I do it because I like, tinkering, and building crap. I like the old methods of doing things. I like being able to improvise, and conquer any situation. Whenever I need, or want anything the first thing I think is "how could I build that?" Usually I come up with something. This manner of thinking led to my interests in self reliance. Years of tinkering, and being in the outdoors has made me pretty skilled in alot of different things. Ive lost track of all the projects, experiments, and adventures Ive had building these skills. Writing this blog is a way to keep track of that good, and if others get a kick out of it all the better. Well, I suppose Id better wrap up the lengthy explanation, and start writing something useful. Ill end with this disclaimer. This blog is for entertainment  purposes only! I dont want to hear some whiny crap about youre going to sue me because you lost an eye making a homemade slingshot, or some other thing you saw here. If youre going to be self reliant, the best way to get started is to not copy me right? However feel free to use my posts as inspiration for your own plans, just stay safe. Enjoy the show.

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